
Instagram: The fabulous story of a girl, a stray dog and a beach to $1 billion in 2 years


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Kevin worked on his startup idea close to 2 years but it didn’t take off. He took a risk, scraped his old idea and went with a new idea, which he found almost by accident.

It was a hit and Facebook bought it for $1 billion. Let us check out how he did it.

What you could learn from this episode:

  • His antics as a young boy
  • His other passion and how he got a job at an young age
  • How he met the future founders of a big startup, when he interned
  • Why even though he got many job offers he chose to work at a particular tech company.
  • Should he work part-time or quit his job
  • How to get money for his startup
  • Did he have a formal office
  • Why the first idea was a failure even though they worked on it for more than a year
  • A painful decision they took to restart again
  • How a break gave them the much needed insight on where to focus on while building the product
  • How they got users feedback
  • How he faced a major setback with funding
  • How he was surprised and flattered, when a major company showcased Instagram on its demo.
  • How it spread without marketing
  • How it grew virally
  • How he handled take-over offers from the multiple tech companies.

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