
Wirecutter.com: A laid-off tech worker to Gym trainer to a multi-millionaire blogger


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Brian Lam was laid-off from his tech job  and he trained himself  as a professional fighter, but he switched careers and finally started the Wirecutter website. He sold it to The New York Times for $30+ million.

What you could learn from this episode:

  • Why he decided to switch majors to make more money
  • Why he didn’t like his first job
  • Why he was happy when he got laid off.
  • What prompted him to switch his career completely to become a fighter
  • How he let go his dream and started a job in the tech field again.
  • How he quit his job again after working their for a long period.
  • How the go the idea for Wirecutter and what he wanted to do with it.
  • Why he went against the norm
  • The one thing they focused on to become successful

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